Femili PNG Coffee Won Bronze at the 2023 Royal Adelaide Coffee Show!

Femili PNG Coffee Won Bronze at the 2023 Royal Adelaide Coffee Show!

Our Femili PNG Coffee beans received a bronze medal at the 2023 Royal Adelaide Coffee Show! Judges scored our coffee highly on its taste, aroma and visual appearance – ranking it among the best ‘Single Origin Lattes’ at the event. We are extremely honoured to have received this award, and for Niugini Arabica’s amazing work roasting our beans.

Our coffee beans are grown by members of the Ukuni Women’s Association in the Western Highlands region of Papua New Guinea. The Association was formed in 2010, with the aim of empowering female coffee growers to build meaningful, sustainable lives. It has 194 registered members, who together farm over 720,000 coffee trees.

Due to the Ukuni village’s remote location, there is limited access to services and infrastructure. This has led to coffee becoming a vital source of income for these women and their communities. FemiliPNG Australia partnered with the Ukuni Women’s Association in 2022, aiming to provide economic opportunities to local female farmers.

The Ukuni Women grow their coffee beans naturally, free from chemicals and pesticides, at higher than 1600 metres sea level. They pick the beans by hand, and dry them in a coffee house located inside the village. These farming methods – combined with the Western Highland’s rich volcanic soils and consistent average temperature of 16-24°C – create ideal conditions for growing coffee. Our award is reflective of the Ukuni Women’s excellent work growing our coffee beans.

Niugini Arabica expertly roast our coffee in Canberra, Australia. They specialise in roasting Papua New Guinean coffee, and know exactly how to bring out the beautiful flavours and aromas inside the high-quality beans. Their commitment to Femili PNG Coffee has played an enormous role in us achieving this award.

Femili PNG Coffee isn’t just coffee. Every cup supports survivors of family, sexual and sorcery-accusation related violence in Papua New Guinea. In 2022, Femili PNG assisted 1,217 survivors of violence to access safe accommodation, medical assistance, law and justice interventions, business support, and more. By supporting our coffee, this award will support their vital work. We are extremely honoured to have received it.

If you’d like to try our Femili PNG Coffee, visit our online store!

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